Why hire a professional pet sitter or dog walker?
Your pets and your schedule are our #1 priority. This isn’t a hobby or a favor, and we won’t cancel on you at the last minute.
We have experience in animal behavior and we are skilled at noticing the little things that matter to your pet and home’s safety.
A professional pet sitter is insured and bonded and of course, has a love of pets, but a professional also holds themselves to a much higher bar of accountability than your average hobby sitter.
Pet sitters come to your house to care for all your pets AND your home.
No more of the anxiety that often results from leaving a pet behind or placing your pet in a strange environment.
Owners do not need to transport unhappy pets away from their homes and then worry that they might be exposed to other animals' illnesses.
Your pets stay safe and comfortable at home, maintaining their regular routines and following their regular schedule.
Your pet will be pampered by a caring and dependable professional using all the care instructions that you specify.
Professional pet sitting allows owners to confidently leave their pets at home, knowing that they will receive the love and care they so rightly deserve.